Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy Six Month Birthday Sweetie!

It seems like I was just posting that it was Grace's four month she's already six months old!!  I can't even imagine that six months from now will be her first birthday - AGH!  She sure looks different that her one month picture - this was the first time she was actually taller than the stuffed animal.  She's also a lot happier in the six month picture than the one month :)  She sure was a cranky baby those first few months.  There were times when I didn't think either of us would make it to six months.  Thankfully things have gotten (relatively) easier.  She still is a hothead but finally seems to be calming down and realizing that her needs don't need to be met instantly.  I do still feel sorry for any future boys she decides to date - weak men need not apply!!
Speaking of boys, we've had our fair share of baby boys being born these last two weeks.  Grace's godparents welcomed a little boy on 11/3, and Jeff's cousin just had her second boy on the 5th.  Some friends of ours just had twins on Tuesday, so it seems to be baby season around here.  I wonder what was going on nine months ago? :) 
Grace still continues to change almost daily.  She does a lot better at sitting by herself when she's propped up against something - she tips over pretty fast when she sits up alone.  We've also broken her of needing to be swaddled, at least at night.  We still have to swaddle her during the day if we want her to take more than a half hour nap.  It was a pretty painful process at first - the first night she woke up 25 times, at least.  The next night she went to sleep right away, but I think that was because she was so exhausted from the night before.  Since then she usually cries for 10 minutes or so before falling asleep, but I can live with that!  The interesting thing is that she likes to sleep on her stomach a lot or her left side.  She spent most of her time in the womb on her left side, so I guess that makes sense.  It's still hard not to freak out when I see her sleeping that way!
She's started eating more solids - so far she's had sweet potatoes, peas, and carrots.  She's not a big fan of the peas!!  We bought a high chair for her and she enjoys sitting in it, but I think she enjoys eating the straps more than the food.  Pretty much everything goes in her mouth these days.  She thinks we're pretty mean parents because we don't let her eat paper!!
On Thursday we traveled to Bay City for a cross country coaches clinic - we were supposed to stay both Thursday and Friday night, but Thursday night did not go well so we came home on Friday afternoon.  Thanks to some rude people at the hotel, Grace woke up at 11:30 wailing and we had a hard time getting her back to sleep that night.  I think I ended up sleeping about 3 hours and don't remember much of the clinic!!  We did stop at Frankenmuth on our way home and got Grace her first stocking and her first ornament. 
Well, that's about all the news from here.  I just realized that after next weekend we have something booked for every weekend thru the end of the year.  I guess we'll have to enjoy our last free weekend!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Well, my plan of posting a blog every week sure isn't happening!  Oh well, at least I have a good excuse :) 
Grace celebrated her first Halloween, and boy, was she a cutie!!  I don't think she got much out of it, but it was still fun to see her dressed up.  We went thru Manchester on the 31st with some friends, and it was so neat watching the other kids and realizing that in the next year or two that will be Grace running around saying, "Trick or treat!!"  It's amazing how the holidays take on new meaning when you can see them through
your kids' eyes.  It makes me very excited for the future!
The cross country season is winding down.  Last Saturday we had our regional meet, and Christy (Jeff's sister) qualified for state as an individual, so we'll be going to MIS this Saturday.  Hopefully she will be able to break the current sophomore record at Manchester - she's only 13 seconds away with her most recent PR.  I can't believe the season is already over - it feels like it was just a few weeks ago that we were running in our first meet. 
Well, I don't really have much else to say for this post.  Grace rolls regularly from her front to her back and is starting to tolerate tummy-time a little more.  She is also getting pretty good at sitting by herself for a few seconds at a time.  As long as she doesn't try to move she can sit pretty well.  She still LOVES to stand all the time.  We got out her Johnny Jump-Up tonight, but our trim is too fancy so the only place she can use it is on the doorframe of her closet.  She seemed to like it, but was more interesting in biting the fabric than jumping in it.  I think until these teeth come in we are going to have a hard time getting her to do much else besides bite everything she can get her mouth on! 

Oh, please pray for me and Jeff - we are going to try to not swaddle her tonight at bedtime.  It should be interesting....!!