We had a great Christmas and New Year. Jeff and Eliana's (my niece) birthday is on Christmas Eve so that makes it even more fun, and this was Eliana's first birthday; which is also hard to believe. I was able to be in the room when she was born and I can't believe that it was already a year ago. My sister, her husband, and Eliana came back up to MI on the 16th and we had a first birthday party for Ellie at our house on the 18th. She was so cute - I made a smash cake for her and when we gave it to her she wanted nothing to do with it. My sister put frosting on her fingers to try and encourage her to dig in, and she got the most disgusted look on her face and tried to wipe the frosting off! Of course, if we hadn't wanted her to get into the cake she probably would have smashed it all over :) The party turned out great, and even though I was SO nervous about my sister asking me to make and decorate the cake, I think it turned out even better than I exepected - what do you think?
On the 22nd I threw a surprise dinner for Jeff at The Blue Tractor in Ann Arbor. There were 18 adults, 2 kids, and 3 babies there, so it turned out great. I even think he was surprised!! If anyone hasn't been to The Blue Tractor, I highly recommend it - the food is great and it's not your average bbq place. Unfortunately I didn't think to bring my camera, so I don't have any pictures :(
We celebrated Christmas with my dad on the 23rd at our house and Grace got the cutest little airplane toy from him (my dad is an aircraft mechanic for Delta). We then had Christmas Eve with my mom and sister at our house (it was crazy how many gifts Grace received!) and then we had a Christmas Day celebration with my grandparents and then we headed to Jeff's brother's house in Blissfield. They have three kids so it was great for the cousins to have a chance to hang out. On the 26th we had a party for Jeff's mom's side of the family and then another party in the evening for Jeff's dad's side of the family. We have one final Christmas party here on Sunday and then we will finally be done. Whew!! Thankfully, Grace weathered all the celebrating relatively well. I felt really guilty about how screwed up her schedule got but she handled it well for the most part. There were definitely some cranky days!!
On the 27th I got together with two of my best friends from high school - one of them had a little boy last September and the other had a little girl in February. One lives in CA and the other over by Detroit so we don't get to see each other very often. It was so great to see all our babies play together, and so weird to think back on all our times together in high school and now we are all moms!!
The big news in our house is that Grace has started crawling! The first time we saw her do it was on the 18th - and I got her to do it by holding my cell phone out :) It's not an official crawl - at first she would kind of roll up on her side and then propel herself forward by pushing her feet on the carpet and then rock to the other side and do the same thing, but now it is more like an army crawl and I have a feeling we will see the "normal" crawl within the next week or so. Thankfully she doesn't crawl too far yet so we have some time to get used to having a mobile baby! We did start doing some baby-proofing in the kitchen and still need to do more in the rest of the house. It's hard to know where to stop in the baby-proofing - on one hand you want to make sure she's safe but on the other you don't want to lock up the entire house.
I also think that Grace has truly started teething. The last few nights have been pretty miserable - we went from having a baby who slept for 10 hours straight to having one that woke up every 45 minutes to hour and a half. UGH! Hopefully we can get through this soon and go back to the old schedule!!
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