My, how time flies!! It's hard to believe it's almost Christmas, and it's hard to believe that Grace is already seven months old.
We have been extremely busy the last few weeks. The first Saturday of December our church always holds a bake sale, and the day before the sale everyone gets together to make German pretzels. This year Grace was able to come - she didn't help roll any, but she provided the entertainment! She even had a front row seat - in a few years she'll be a professional pretzel roller. She spent her time finding out what would happen if she dropped her toys in the container of flour :)

She's gotten so good at sitting by herself that we stopped using the baby sling in the bathtub and now she gets to sit in it like a big girl. She looks so stinking cute sitting in there with her chubby little legs balancing her! I'm not sure if there's anything cuter than a baby in a bathtub or a baby sleeping!

We put the Christmas tree up two weeks ago, and I thought Grace would be more impressed with it, but she doesn't seem to care too much. She was able to put her "Baby's First Christmas" ornament on the tree (with daddy's help!) that we bought for her in Frankenmuth. Even though I was surprised at how little interest she showed in the tree, I have a feeling this is the last year that this will be the case!

Her favorite thing to do these days is spit all over the place. It's cute, until she starts doing it while we're trying to feed her :) She says "mamama" and "lalalala" but still no "dadada", much to Jeff's disappointment. She also rolls all over the place, and she's started to kind of play peekaboo. I don't think she necessarily knows what she's doing, but she'll hold her burpcloth above her head and then pull it down. We think she's starting to wave some too. When she sees me or Jeff she'll hold out one of her arms and kind of point/wave it around. I have to say every day just gets better and better with her. I read somewhere that colicky babies turn out to be good problem solvers when they are adults, so I figure Grace will be a genius :)
Yesterday was a big day for me - it was my official last day as an employee of Visteon Corp. I've decided to be a stay-at-home mom. It was a scary decision to make, but it really wasn't necessarily a hard one. It's scary to walk away from a decent job that pays well, especially in this economy, but I can't say that I have missed the job at all while I have been on my leave. The only thing I've really missed is the people. But in the end, I know being Grace's mom is the most important thing I can do, and after everything I went through to have her I can't imagine leaving her with someone else all day long. I don't want to miss a moment of her life! There have been days when taking care of her seems impossible and never-ending, but I know that every job in life feels like that sometimes, and I don't know if there's any other job that is more rewarding than watching your baby grow.

I've been taking a Wilton decorating class at JoAnn's the last two weeks. I had done some cake decorating in 4H when I was a kid, but that was more years ago than I care to think about! I'd been wanting to take these classes for years, but with work schedules, etc. I never had the time. I figured this could be "mommy's evening out" and I could finally take them! I just finished the basics class and will be taking the fondant class in January. What do you think of my final project (ignore the non-smooth icing!!)?

Hopefully I'll have a chance to post at least one more time before the end of 2010. Lord knows I'll have enough to talk about - this Saturday we're having my niece's first birthday party at our house, Jeff's birthday is on Christmas Eve, we have two places to go on Christmas Day and the 26th, and we're having a New Year's Eve party at our house. I'm not going to know what to do with myself once the holidays are done!!
good luck to you and your family.
ReplyDeletefrom an ex visteon employee in England
merry xmas and a happy new year