We celebrated Easter (wow, that seems like a long time ago) by driving to Ohio and visiting my cousin at her new house in Toledo. They live right on the Maumee River so they have an awesome view. Grace got to spend some time with her cousin Eliana - they were both so cute in their Easter dresses.
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Cake pop "chicks" I made for Easter |
We celebrated my 31st birthday on May 3rd - Grace was so proud to give me the Gerber daisy plant that she and Jeff had picked out for me. It was so cute!! We went to dinner at Mac's in Saline with my mom, my sister, and her family and then came back and had homemade brownie ice cream sandwiches that Jeff had made. They were AWESOME!
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I wanted to take a picture of her in this outfit, and she decided on her own to stick her hands in her pockets. What a goof! |
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Modeling an outfit Grandma made her for her birthday. |
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Getting excited about blowing out the candle (not sure why she had her arms behind her head!) |
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Blowing out the candle |
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Digging in!! |
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Our birthday girl! |
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Glamorous beach baby! |
Grace LOVED the beach. I don't know if there's any type of water this kid doesn't love. Since we didn't get up there on Thursday night until after 6, by the time we had dinner we were just able to walk along the beach while the sun set, but on Friday morning we headed over there and I think she would have stayed all day. The water was FREEZING but Grace was content to sit at the water's edge and play with her sand toys. The best part of the trip (and one we still are laughing about) was how she acted that first day as we were walking down to the water. It's slightly downhill, and it's all sugar-sand, so she was struggling a little bit to walk through it. She kept saying "whoa, Chi-Chi, whoa" as she was walking (I should clarify that Chi-Chi is how she says Gracie). We were dying!! I told Jeff that if he ever started getting tired or discouraged during the marathon he needed to think of her saying that and he said it did help him during the race. I just wish we could have gotten it on video. On Sunday night we walked along the beach as the sun set, and Grace kept insisting on walking right along the water's edge. She wasn't wearing a bathing suit, just normal clothes, and of course, she fell in :) She handled it really well and it was pretty funny. She was completely soaked from her waist down.
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Watching a storm roll in - it actually knocked out power in the campground for over an hour! |
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Goofing off in the camper |
The other big change is that Grace has officially transitioned to a toddler bed. I went back and forth about whether to just put her in a twin bed, but because of how little she still is and knowing that I would have to help her in and out of it, we decided to go with a toddler bed for now, and she LOVES it! I'm really glad we got the smaller bed because I think she feels even more independent because she can get in it herself. I was totally dreading the change, picturing her getting up every night and wandering the house or refusing to go to sleep, but she hasn't gotten out on her own except for one time when my dad was watching her and put her to bed. I had asked the pediatrician when we went for her 2 year check-up if she had any tips and she told me to sit Grace down and tell her she's not allowed to get out of the bed unless mommy or daddy come to get her and that usually a first-born girl who's eager to please will obey. I was a little skeptical that it would be that simple, but she was right (thank goodness!). We just made the transition last Saturday so maybe there's still time for Grace to have issues, but hopefully not.
Grace still continues to amaze me with her developments. She does not miss ANYTHING that you teach her, and her memory is incredible. I'm going to have to start asking her to remember things for me :) She has started to look at books by herself and tell the story to herself - it totally blows my mind. She has a book of Bible stories that tell some of the "bigger" stories of the Bible in 2-3 pages each with a few sentences on each page, and the other day she had gotten the book out while I was working on the computer and was looking at the story of creation. I heard her say "moon, stars, sun, earth" and she was looking right at the page where it says God created those very things! I knew she knew what the sun, moon and stars were, but I had no idea she knew what a picture of the earth was!
We've been doing a ton of landscaping around our house in the last two months so we've made a lot of trips to Lowe's and on one of our first trips there we saw a worker running a forklift. Grace asked what it was and I told her it was a hi-lo. Probably a month later we were there again and she heard the back-up beeping sound that one of them makes and started saying "hi-lo, hi-lo". I couldn't believe it - I know for a fact that we hadn't brought up the hi-lo since we had been there and she completely remembered it! Of course, whenever we hear a back-up beep from ANY vehicle she thinks it's a hi-lo :) Another random development that just happened in the last 2 weeks is that Jeff and I have changed from "mama" and "dada" to "mommy" and "daddy". I love hearing her call me mommy, but it's so sad to know that she probably won't ever call me mama again. I wish she would give some warning before she does these things!!
I am now down to less than 5 weeks to go of this pregnancy (at least I hope so!!). I had been doing pretty good with feeling okay and not having too many issues until we started getting the upper 80's and 90 degree days. Heat is definitely not my friend! It seems like any issues I had with my pregnancy with Grace I don't have this time around, but things that didn't happen to me when I was pregnant with Grace are happening now. For example, my feet didn't grow or swell hardly at all when I was pregnant with Grace, and I had actually bought a pair of cute black sandals within a month of Grace's birth. Well, those sandals can hardly be wedged onto my fat feet now!! Even when it's not really hot I can tell that my feet are wider than they were a few months ago. Sleeping has becoming increasingly uncomfortable too. It seems like no matter how I lay, something is hurting. I joked with Jeff that pregnancy wouldn't be so bad if I could just take my stomach off at night while I slept :) It's hard to say that I'm ready to be done though, because now I know exactly how much work a newborn is, so I'm not as excited for this baby to come out. Lugging around a bowling ball in my stomach isn't fun, but at least the work of keeping the baby fed and healthy is no real effort on my part!
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28 weeks pregnant. I forgot to take one at 32 weeks so I'll have to wait until 36 weeks. |
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