So Grace finally took her first steps last night - just shy of 15 months old! Jeff and I were sitting on the floor and we moved about 5 feet apart and held her between us and she finally took a few steps getting from one of us to the other. In the past when we've tried this she would immediately drop down to her knees and crawl once we let go of her. We used the play spoons from her toy kitchen as the incentive :)
Grace also learned how to unlock the cabinet locks, at least on some of the cabinets in the kitchen. We have the ones that go on the inside near the top that you push down as you open the cabinet or drawer and she was trying to open one of them and realized that's where the resistance was coming from and reached up, pulled the lever down and got the cabinet open. Maybe I need to be more specific when I pray for her to be smart?!
We haven't done a whole lot since we got back from NC; mainly just working on getting the camper ready to go on some trips and trying to get things done around the house. Our garden is starting to produce for us so I've been trying to keep up with taking care of what's harvested. In the last month I've made 18 jars of jam (bumbleberry, strawberry-rhubarb and fieldberry) and about 10 loaves of zucchini and blueberry bread. And Jeff just picked 4 more zucchini yesterday....
Going for it.... |
Got it! |
I finally started making a list of all the things that Grace has learned or started doing so that I would remember when I actually sat down to write the blog. She knows where her ears, hair, toes and tummy are, but not her nose or her eyes (although she did learn that she can stick her finger up her nose....she likes to breathe heavy while her finger is in her nose - not the most attractive look!) She'll also kiss her toes if you ask her to.
Trying out the bubble mower |
I've noticed that she knows things that I don't even know she knows until I accidentally stumble upon it by asking her the right questions. The other day I asked her where her cow was (she has one of those Fischer-Price barns) and she crawled over and picked it up without any hesitation. Totally blew me away! I also figured out that she knows where the apple is in one of her books and she knows where her swingset is - I asked her where her swing was and she went to the door and pointed right to it. She is also fascinated with planes and birds - whenever we're outside she always points them out to us.
She has started making a "woof-woof" noise and a "moo" noise, although not always when she's sees a dog or a cow :) She loves to give her baby doll kisses and actually rocked her a little bit too. Since we set up her toy kitchen she has also started feeding the baby and giving her drinks from the cups. It's so cute!
Helping mom with laundry |
The other day I was working on the computer at the dining room table and Grace was starting to get annoyed with me so she kept coming up to the chair and trying to get me to pick her up. Toby was laying next to the chair trying to sleep and the next thing I noticed was that Grace seemed a lot taller than usual. I looked down, and she was STANDING on poor Toby's rib cage to give her a little extra boost! Toby was so good about - I can't believe he didn't make any noise or try to get up to get her off of him. Grace is still on the small side, but I would think it wouldn't feel good to have about 22 pounds standing on you!
Grace LOVES to play on the couch and the bed. We're not really sure what the fascination is, but she will crawl around and smash her face into them and have the best time just hanging out. At first we thought she liked looking out the window from the couch but now she just crawls back and forth from one end to the other without looking out the window at all. She has become so goofy lately - a lot of her personality is developing now and she loves attention and getting people to laugh, but she is also very sensitive to your mood and doesn't like it if you are sad or upset.
Messy after a dinner of lasagna
and broccoli |
I haven't shared a lot of these kinds of stories with you because I feel a little guilty laughing at Grace's expense, but that girl sure knows how to pass gas! It's actually a joke in the family that the Walter side (Jeff's mom) has a gene that always shows up in at least one of the kids that predisposes them to this problem and it appears that Grace got the gene! The funny thing is that she tries to force them out all the time and you can tell one is coming if you're holding her because she flexes her butt and then sticks it out and lets it rip! She will also do it in her high chair - she'll be sitting in there and then clench her butt, which makes her sit up higher. She's always very proud of herself! Poor Grace - someday she'll hate me for these stories but I will make sure they are shared with her boyfriends :)
Coloring with daddy |
I guess that's about it for now. Cross Country is gearing up to start every day now - it was so nice when it was only two days a week, but I'm excited to see how the kids do. I think this year could be our most successful season yet!
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