Grace's birthday was surprisingly emotional for me. I kept thinking back on the 12th about what we had been doing the year before - when we went to the hospital, when my water broke, etc. What was interesting was how both Jeff and I woke up right around 6:04 am on her birthday, which is when she was born. It's just so hard to believe that it has already been a year ago. The other day I found the notebook I had used to write down when I nursed her and when we changed her diapers, and I was exhausted just reading it!! Newborn babies are so precious, but they are a LOT of work!! I'm so glad I don't have to change Grace's diaper 10 times a day anymore!
We had a track invitational on Grace's birthday so we weren't able to actually celebrate her birthday that day (not that she had any idea anyways!) so we had her party on the 15th, which is my dad's birthday. The whole week prior to her party had been beautiful with sunny skies and temps in the 70's and even 80's, but the day before her party things totally changed. We had been planning on having the party outside with games for the kids that were coming, but since it was only 50 degrees and pouring rain the whole day we had to have it in our garage with heaters going! I was really disappointed in the weather, but we made it work and everyone was really understanding about it. We had about 50 people come, even in the nasty weather, and Grace was blessed with so many cool toys and CLOTHES!! That girl now has more clothes than I do! Even her cake turned out really well, which I had been totally stressing out about for the last month or so. It was the first time I ever attempted to make a cake of this size and difficulty. After I got done making it I felt like I never wanted to see cake again :)

She also discovered balloons, and LOVES them. She even tries to say balloon - it comes out more like "boon", but she points to it and says it so you know what she means. Unfortunately we had a little meltdown in Meijer when we walked past the floral dept with all the balloons and she couldn't have one. That was fun :)
She points at everything now - especially lights. It's hard to keep up with her pointing - she's already pointing to something else before you can name the first thing! She is also extremely active. I am exhausted just watching her, and she's not even walking yet. I read somewhere that overly-active babies score higher on IQ tests and have better problem-solving skills - I hope so! Sometimes I wonder if they say those things just so us parents don't go crazy chasing after our kids! It's like she has a radar and knows exactly where you don't want her to go and what you don't want her to get into. It's a race these days to get into the fridge or the freezer before she tries to crawl in.
Her other favorite activity is taking things out of things and putting them back in. She LOVES laundry baskets and will whip the clothes out of them as fast as she can and then fling them all over the room (I think in my last post I mentioned how having a puppy prepares you for kids? :) ). She loves to get into my magazines and turn (and rip) the pages. We've had a hard time reading books to her because all she wants to do is turn the pages and gets mad if you hold them down while you try to read the story. She is starting to get good at stacking things and can put the rings on the pole of her stacking toy.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some of her latest things, but it's so hard to keep up with her these days. Even though she can be a real stinker at times, I still can't believe how blessed we really are. All it takes is an open-mouth kiss from her to make me forget the hard parts :)
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