Well, maybe not five whole months of joy, since the first two months were pretty rough, but close enough!! Grace celebrated her five month birthday on Wednesday; it's still hard to believe. At first I didn't think she had really changed that much in the last month besides learning to roll from her back to her front but as I think about it she really has changed a lot. Not any huge milestones, but important ones. She is so aware and interested in the world around her, and NOTHING is safe from those little hands!! She especially loves hair - even when I pull it up she manages to find any loose strands and PULL! Plus, she wants to put everything in her mouth. The other day she started sucking on my chin - I guess she puts new meaning to the phrase "sucking face" :) She also likes to grab your nose. Neither Jeff nor I wear glasses, but she's
fascinated when we meet other people who wear them. I think we might see our first tooth soon - she's really drooling and biting on everything too.

I am worried about when the "terrible twos" start - she already tries to have temper tantrums. Sometimes I think that if she could throw herself on the floor and pound her fists she would. When she's sweet, she's very sweet, but when she's mad - look out!! Right now when she gets mad she screams really hard and deep and her face turns bright red. I don't know what a five month old has to be so angry about - I tell her she needs to enjoy life now 'cause it doesn't get any easier than this!
We've also been working at introducing her to rice cereal. The first time she had it she really didn't care too much, but when I gave it to her again a few days later she ate it like a professional, but since then she's been pretty wishy-washy about it. I don't know if I should start trying to give it to her twice a day or just sticking with once a day, and I'm not sure how long I should wait to give her anything else. At least breastfeeding is simple!!

So, that about sums up the last two weeks. We have our conference meet on Wednesday for cross country, and then we actually have next weekend off. It's hard to believe there's only two more meets left of the regular season!!
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