She looks so different from that first picture! Yesterday was the first time where she was able to sit up pretty well without having to worry about her toppling over. She was also reaching for the stuffed dog and trying to put it in her mouth :)
We had a pretty good week, although Grace kept going back and forth between sleeping well at night and not sleeping very well. Thankfully the last few nights have been pretty good.
We broke out the exersaucer the other day to see how she would do - let's just say it would have been better if her feet actually touched the bottom! She wasn't too impressed with it. Hopefully she'll be able to reach the ground soon. Today she went in for her four month checkup. She weighed 13 lbs, 5 ozs (41st percentile), she was 23 3/4" long (30th percentile) and her head was 41 cm (49th percentile). So her head is the biggest part and she's still short! I hope she's not destined to be really short. She had to get her shots, and that is the worst part of going to the doctor. I feel like the worst person in the world when they give her the shots and she starts screaming. I made Jeff go with me this time so he could hold her down and I wouldn't always be the bad guy! I also always get nervous when she gets shots because of all the media about vaccines being unsafe. I know it's the right thing to do but it always worries me.
I'm still not sure when I want to start her on solids. I think she's getting close to being ready, but I'm not sure if I want to start this early. The doctor said anytime to start is fine and made it sound like it would be a good idea, but breastfeeding is free, and minimal mess! So, we'll see.
This week is another crazy week - tonight we have volleyball at 9 pm (yuck), tomorrow is another cross country meet, and Thursday we're meeting with our financial planner. No rest for the weary!!
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