I'm so behind on this blog it's pathetic. There's a certain little someone I can blame on that though! Ugh, where to start? I think this is going to be more of a picture blog than a written blog since I don't really remember much about September and October.
Let's start with Grace...she is still our goofy little girl (or as she say - doofy little dirl!). Her vocabulary still continues to amaze us, and becomes more grown-up every day. Noo-noos has been replaced by either noodles or macaroni and she has started using more pronouns instead of names (and referring to herself in the third person). However, she still has cute little ways of saying things - gum is "dung" (eew!), yogurt is yogret and ballerina is bananina. She also is a total imitator. One of the current favorites is: "What's your problem?" (except she says it "What's your probrem?"). It's hilarious because she says it in this super-concerned voice and has this sad little look on her face. She picked this up from me - I probably say it about 50 times a day to Evan when he is mad for no apparent reason.
Helping to dig the hole where her new sandbox will go |
Playing in her new sandbox! |
She was NOT a fan of the salamander - Toby was though! |
She has started to love to color and is getting pretty good at it and is purposeful when she uses the crayon and isn't just randomly scribbling all over. She still loves her baby dolls and is always copying the things I do with Evan on her dolls. I have to check before I put Evan in his high chair, bouncy seat, Exersaucer or Bumbo in case there's a doll already in it! The other day we were driving home and I looked back to see what she was doing and she was holding her baby doll up to her shoulder with a blanket wrapped around it and burping in it. She had the sweetest look on her face - it was adorable!
Taking her baby for a walk wearing Daddy's
hat and gloves |
Helping mommy carve her pumpkin |
Cute little bunny! |
She is really good at singing and can sing Jesus Loves Me, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Wheels on the Bus and The ABC song all on her own. She can also count to 10 really well and is working on counting to 20.
Riding in the skidloader with daddy! |
She also is a great helper with Evan, and it doesn't hurt that he absolutely adores her and she is my built-in entertainer! We were on a walk a few days ago and Evan started crying and she started singing Twinkle Twinkle really loud over his crying to get him to stop and it worked! Usually whenever he starts fussing I just have to send her over to him and he will stop. I really can't wait to see them play together as they grow up. It amazes me how awesome Grace already is as a big sister - I feel like she was born to be a big sister because she is so caring and sweet and always ready to help. Hopefully this lasts a long time!
At the Toledo Zoo - third year in a row! |
Playing with daddy - notice that Evan is about
to lose it! |
Happy Halloween! |
On to Evan...he has been quite difficult the last 2 weeks or so. He went from sleeping at least 6 hours pretty regularly to only sleeping 2-3 at the most every night. Last night was night 15 of less than 5 hours of sleep for me. It's amazing that I'm even functioning as a person right now. I'm really hoping that we can turn this around really soon so that I can enjoy Christmas a little bit. It's frustrating because we've tried every trick in the book that we know of and nothing has really seemed to help. It's also frustrating because when Grace was his age she had started sleeping really well and was going 8+ hours at night and taking a 2+ hour nap every day.
Did you say milk?!? |
3 months |
4 months |
5 months |
He is definitely an emotional little guy - when he's happy he's very happy, but when he's mad he's very mad! His moods turn really quickly, too. He can melt your heart with his smile one minute and then be screaming his head off the next. I really hope he calms down a little soon! He loves to chew on all the toys on his exersaucer, but he has to bend them pretty far to get them into his mouth. Some of them bend pretty easily, but some of them aren't designed to bend at all. After a few minutes of trying to get the non-bendy ones in his mouth (and failing) he will stiffen up his whole body and start screaming with tears running down his face (all in a matter of seconds). I'll turn him around to let him play with the other toys but the next thing I know he will have turned himself back around and is trying to conquer the non-bendy toys again (and getting mad all over again!). I'm glad to see persistence, but not glad to see the quick temper!
The offending exersaucer |
Hanging with daddy |
Mr. Smiles |
So precious (and rare!) |
It only took us 5 months but we
finally decorated his room! |
He started rolling from his back to his stomach a little over 2 weeks ago and now sleeps on his stomach at night, which means we were finally able to stop swaddling him. Unfortunately we still are putting him in his swing in the mornings since he hasn't been going back to sleep after I feed him. I really hope we can stop soon - he's definitely too long for it and the poor motor is definitely struggling to swing him!
We tried putting him a big pumpkin like
we had done with Grace - he HATED it!
To be fair - we probably didn't warm it up enough first. |
This pic made me laugh because it looks
like he's being birthed from the pumpkin! |
A little happier with his costume on! |
I think that's about it for now - hopefully the pictures helped make this a bit more entertaining! Here is a random pic from our house and the beautiful sunset.